Iaso Tea proporciona a su cuerpo enzimas esenciales, que son a menudo destruidas por el procesamiento moderno de alimentos y las técnicas de pasteurización. El efecto catártico limpia el revestimiento de su tracto intestinal, Limpia Hígado graso, limpia Riñones, limpia el Colon, purifica la sangre, Mejora el metabolismo y la digestión, ayuda a reducir el colesterol, elimina la acumulación de toxinas y permite una mayor absorción completa de nutrientes vitales. Siéntete más liviano, mejora tu salud y experimenta un bienestar general.
Con tan sólo 8 onzas de este té suave dos o tres veces al día le puede proporcionar excelentes resultados y de larga duración.
Adquiere tu Iaso Tea ahora!!!
Las personas disfrutan de Iaso Tea varias veces al día, todos los días, con las comidas y meriendas. Otros utilizan según sea necesario para mantener su salud y la regularidad.
Al tomarlo usted se beneficia al:
- Eliminar toxinas
- Eliminar impurezas
- Eliminar residuos de nicotina
- Eliminar químicos y metales pesados
- Realizar una limpieza general del aparato digestivo
- Mejorar el metabolismo y la digestión
- Mejorar la asimilación y absorción de los nutrientes
- Reducir los riesgos de enfermedades del colon
- Reducir el nivel de colesterol
- Controlar la presión sanguínea
- Mejorar la función y limpia al hígado y pulmones
- Perder peso (de 500gr hasta 2.5 kilos cada semana)
- Aumenta la energía
- Sentirse mas liviano
- Experimentar un bienestar general
- Mejorar la salud
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This Siberian mushroom has amazing properties to improve the immune system and much, much more...
- Anticancer Effects
- Boosts Immune System
- Anti-Inflamatory
- Anti-Viral
- Hepaprotective
- Anti-Bacterial
- Antitumor
- Antioxidant
- Internal System Cleaner
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Power On your Raw Energy!
Supercharge your day, your diet, and your life with the power of Iaso NRG. Our proven, all-natural formula is designed to give you the results you’re looking for — without the jitters or sudden burnout you can expect from other products. Use Iaso NRG to enhance energy, burn fat, elevate your mood, and reduce hunger.
Energize Your Day…and Control Your Appetite!
Iaso NRG is a synergistic blend of ingredients including dark cocoa, phenylethylamine, natural caffeine and geranaX (active from geranium flower), plus key support minerals. One or two capsules will Power On Your Raw Energy!
Lack of Energy a Major Complaint of Americans!
Many Americans, saddled by high-stress jobs, to much information, inadequate nutrition and not enough time, are seeking help to energize their lives. They feel lifeless, tired and seek a natural solution to add vitality to their day.
Energize Your Day…and Control Your Appetite!
Iaso NRG is a synergistic blend of ingredients including dark cocoa, phenylethylamine, natural caffeine and geranaX (active from geranium flower), plus key support minerals. One or two capsules will Power On Your Raw Energy!
Lack of Energy a Major Complaint of Americans!
Many Americans, saddled by high-stress jobs, to much information, inadequate nutrition and not enough time, are seeking help to energize their lives. They feel lifeless, tired and seek a natural solution to add vitality to their day.
Carbohydrates or Sugar are not the answers
When fatigue is experienced, many sufferers go for carbohydrates or sugar to give them back an energy boost. The consumption of a high caloric snack will provide temporary benefit, but the long term result is roller-coaster energy levels and weight gain.
When fatigue is experienced, many sufferers go for carbohydrates or sugar to give them back an energy boost. The consumption of a high caloric snack will provide temporary benefit, but the long term result is roller-coaster energy levels and weight gain.
Regular exercise will over time invigorate the body. However, getting started is THE challenge for most today. The comment “I do not have the energy to exercise” prevents most from ever getting started.
Regular exercise will over time invigorate the body. However, getting started is THE challenge for most today. The comment “I do not have the energy to exercise” prevents most from ever getting started.
The Complete Benefit
Be energized throughout the day with Iaso NRG. Reduce your appetite, eat less. The combination of increased energy and activity as well as reduced caloric intake, may help lead you to the successful weight loss that you desire! Get Started on achieving YOUR goals with Iaso NRG.
Be energized throughout the day with Iaso NRG. Reduce your appetite, eat less. The combination of increased energy and activity as well as reduced caloric intake, may help lead you to the successful weight loss that you desire! Get Started on achieving YOUR goals with Iaso NRG.
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A Brief History of Spirulina:
Spirulina powder is a health supplement made from the spirulina cyanobacteria. In addition to spirulina powder, one typically finds spirulina tablets and spirulina flakes to be taken as supplements also. Spirulina powder is likewise made use of as a supplement to a variety of animal feeds, especially for aquaculture and aquariums. A good quantity of research has been done on the health benefits of this powder, and it appears to support many of the health benefits asserted by its supporters.
In fact, spirulina might have been in use as a dietary supplement more than a thousand years ago in Chad. There is evidence to suggest that as far back as the days of the Kanem Empire, spirulina cakes, or Dihe, were made and consumed as supplements. These cakes are still made and offered in contemporary Chad, and they are used as a sort of bouillon for some broths. Many people also believe the Aztecs cultivated and used spirulina as a supplement, as described by a soldier with Cortes in the 16th century. The Aztec word for spirulina, Tecuitatl, means literally the excrement of the stone. Advertisement As a dietary supplement, spirulina has a number of parts that make it very preferable. It contains lots of vitamins, consisting of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinamide (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Although B12 exists, whether or not it is bioavailable in meaningful quantities is in dispute, therefore many vegetarian diet professionals advise not depending upon spirulina powder as a source of B12.
Spirulina likewise includes many various minerals, consisting of calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, salt, zinc, and large quantities of potassium. Additionally, spirulina is, by weight, a great source of protein, with around 60 % of its dry weight including proteins.
Including decreased amounts of lysine, cysteine, and methionine when compared to egg or meat proteins, the amino acid content is still significantly higher than that of most plant proteins. It is a really easily-digestible type of protein, also, and in mix with its other elements is very close to a "best food. & rdquo. Because of its low-cost, huge amount of vitamins and minerals, high protein material, and ease of manufacturing, spirulina has actually typically been taken a look at as a superfood of the future. Specifically as a possible candidate to battle malnutrition on a global scale, spirulina has actually gotten a good deal of support from groups like the United Nations. Some proponents envision huge spirulina ponds feeding thousands of individuals and helping to supplement their nutrient-poor diets to keep them healthy.
One fringe benefit of spirulina, which is a reason lots of people take spirulina powder daily, is that it is believed to minimize allergic reactions.
A little dosage taken daily can lower the amount of interleukin-4 in the body significantly, helping to minimize the strength of allergy responses. For people with light allergies, such as hay fever or animal allergies, this little bit can be just enough to keep the body functioning at complete strength. Spirulina powder is a health supplement made from the spirulina cyanobacteria. In addition to spirulina powder, one frequently finds spirulina tablets and spirulina flakes to be taken as supplements. Spirulina powder is likewise made use of as a supplement to a number of animal feeds, particularly for aquaculture and fish tanks. One extra benefit of spirulina, which is a reason many individuals take spirulina powder daily, is that it is believed to reduce allergic responses.